Information in English
To see availability and make a booking, you can either choose to use the form on our start page or email us the following info and we'll help create the booking for you.
Daily rental rate: 500 SEK | Weekly rental rate 3 150 SEK (10% discount)
- Date and time for pickup & Date for drop off
- Amount of people
- Peferred pickup and dropoff location, Visby Harbour or Visby Airport
- Special requests such as child seats, etc.
- Insurance, if you want liability insurance coverage for an additional 50 SEK / day (100 SEK for anyone under 24 years of age) which covers any insurance liability.
Once we receive your email we'll get back to you with a booking confirmation.
For any other questions don't hesitate to give us a call or email us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.